Tuesday - September 17, 2019

Yeah! I slept until almost 7:00 AM this morning since our scheduled adventure wasn't until 10:00 AM. I don't believe Kay slept as well as me, but at least we weren't in any hurry this morning. We had a leisurely breakfast and had time for that extra cup of coffee. We were in the lobby just before 10:00 AM and in about 2 minutes Brett, our guide with Dreamland Safari Adventures, arrived.
Already aboard was another couple, Charlie and Marlene. It would just be the four of us on the tour today.
We headed out immediately toward the canyon. It was only about 8 miles from Kanab to the BLM road which led to Peekaboo Slot Canyon. Once turned onto the sand road, Brett stopped and deflated the tires for better traction in the sand. After another three miles of bumps and slides, we reached a few hundred yards of dry gulch which led to the canyon mouth.
Surprisingly, there were a number of vehicles when we arrived. Brett said it was unusually crowded today, but it really wasn't a problem. In fact, by the time we left, we were the only ones there.
Peekaboo is the name the locals refer to the slot canyon, but it is actually part of the Red Canyon.

The wash is enclosed by low cliffs for a short distance below the slot, offering plenty of entry/exit routes before the walls become vertical and form the first section of narrows. The Navajo sandstone here is dark red in appearance, typical of this region, and is eroded into delicate curves bearing graceful surface patterns, from thin horizontal bands of lighter rock crossed by vertical strips of desert varnish. The floor is sandy and has no potholes to hold any water so the passages are largely unobstructed and dry.

The first narrows are quite short, opening out to a sunlit section, but this doesn't last long as the drainage constricts again to a longer, deeper slot. Some parts are quite dark because of overhanging rocks above, and the smooth curving walls allow for pretty reflections and light effects, quite similar to canyons around Page in Arizona, such as Antelope.

The next three photos were taken near the mouth of the Canyon

Well, Peekaboo wasn't Antelope Canyon but it was a great hike. I wasn't really expecting to even be able to visit a slot canyon, so I was thrilled.
After leaving the slot, Brett took us to visit the 4500 acres belonging to the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. This group employees 10% of Kanab's residents about 500 people. At any time, they house over 1500 animals, mostly dogs and cats but a variety of other animals as well. The sites we visited below are on or around their campus.

We had a very nice tour, which exceeded the three hour time by almost an hour, but no one was complaining. Brett did an excellent job.
After returning to the hotel, Kay and I walked next door for lunch at Kanab Drugs. They have a very attractive patio and serve sandwiches, salads, soups and ice cream. We were disappointed. The food was OK, but certainly not exceptional and it cost as much as our excellent dinner last evening.
Do you recall my post a couple of days ago about our incident at the Mexican restaurant, where we could not be served a beer and then were told it would be an hour to get food? Just in the course of conservation today, Charlie mentioned they went to a Mexican restaurant yesterday and could not get a Margarita and then there were some other issues. It turns out it was the same restaurant. A local told us that no Mexicans worked at the business and no one there probably had ever been to Mexico. LOL. I just wonder how it got so many good ratings???
We plan to leave early tomorrow for Bryce Canyon. We hope to do some hiking and the canyon drive, spending perhaps three hours. Then it is on to Moab for three days.